Member Benefits
Why become a member of IAPA International Au Pair Association?
- Become a part of the International au pair community
- Support the Au Pair programme worldwide and our advocacy on its behalf
- Receive qualified leads from interested au pair and host family applicants through our webpage
- Get exposure on our website/social media to potential customers and partners
- Receive first hand up-to-date information of developments and trends in the au pair sector
- Find quality business partners in our community and during our events
- Profit from the knowledge and experience of experts within the community
- Use reduced fees for our membership fees for our event WETM-IAC and worldwide workshops
- Engage and exchange ideas and knowledge with peers
- Broaden your knowledge during our seminars and workshops
- Be recognized as a quality agency by using the IAPA logo for your marketing
- … and more
Only agencies who fulfill the requirements, have undergone a thorough screening by IAPA and have agreed to follow our Codes of Conducts and quality guidelines can use our logo and belong to the trusted group of quality IAPA au pair agencies.
Read more on how to become a member