Australia to welcome back Working Holiday Makers from 01 December 2021
The Australian Prime Minister has announced today that from 01 December 2021 Australia will be open again to all Working Holiday Makers. This means that from now on Au Pairs and other young people wishing to work and explore the country are welcome back to Australia.
This is excellent news and IAPA welcomes this important achievement for the revitalisation of international youth travel and cultural exchange with Australia.
At the same time we would like to thank BYTAP (The Backpackers and Youth Travel Advisory Panel in Australia) for their unwavering commitment and efforts to convince the Australian government to reopen the country to young travelers from around the world. Their spokesperson Wendi Aylward states:
“Many overseas agents are gearing up for anticipated strong sales for 2022. It is going to be a very busy year ahead – and we could not be happier.”
IAPA member Wendi Aylward of AIFS Australia has been committed to the youth travel sector in Australia for many years, using her extensive advocacy expertise. First as Chair of the Australian Au Pair Association CAPAA and for the last six years as a leading committee member of BYTAP.
Red the full text of the media press release from BYTAP here
Of course, Australia will require travelers to be fully vaccinated and entering with an actual PCR test
Further information can be found on the Australian Government Dep. of Home Affairs pages here