Heavenly Au Pairs joins IAPA
IAPA is happy to welcome London based Heavenly Au Pairs (HAP) as our newest Full Voting member!
HAP primarily places au pairs and mother’s helps into host families the UK and has been a full member of the British Au Pair Agencies Association (BAPAA) for more than two years.
HAP works with partner agencies, many of whom are IAPA members, throughout Europe. They uphold the strictest standards in their matching and placement supporting procedures; references are checked for all host families as well as the candidates; and they stay in touch with host families and au pairs throughout the length of the placement.
HAP has a team of four people working full time and one part time, all of which have either been an au pair or hosted an au pair. They place hundreds of au pairs each year, with on average seven or eight placements per week. Our website aims to be clear to families and applicants alike and we respond quickly to our families, au pairs and partners.
To learn more about Heavenly Au Pairs, visit their website: www.heavenlyaupairs.com or connect with them on Facebook or Twitter.