Revolution Slider Error: You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the revolution files js include.
This includes make eliminates the revolution slider libraries, and make it not work.

To fix it you can:
    1. In the Slider Settings -> Troubleshooting set option: Put JS Includes To Body option to true.
    2. Find the double jquery.js include and remove it.
IAPA Au Pair of the Year 2015 – A record number of entries

IAPA Au Pair of the Year 2015 – A record number of entries

Au Pair of the Year Award 2015

For the eleventh edition of the IAPA Au Pair of the Year Award, we have received a record number of 59 submissions.

The nominations were made by host families from around the globe, from Beijing to Alaska and from Hawaii to the Netherlands. The au pairs themselves, male and female, came from South Korea, Germany, Iceland, Jamaica and America.

The overall quality of submissions was impressive this year, all referring to their great experience with their au pairs and reaffirming the importance of the au pair programme’s basis: cultural exchange.


Because we are a military family the cultural exchange aspect of the programme was very appealing to us … We not only wanted assistance with our boys, but wanted to share our country and provide a rich life long experience for their year abroad.
– S. family, Peyton, CO, USA

The au pair programme, although new in China, has already proven to be so meaningful! We are able to have a close look at English lifestyle, culture, society and education.
– Z. family, Hangzhou, China

 “Our au pair introduced us to a Swedish Christmas, bringing traditional Swedish treats and customs to our family, which was all the more impressive given that at the time she had only been with us for a month.
– H. family, Weybridge, Surrey, UK


After a thorough review of all the nominations, we have determined an initial top 10 shortlist. The difficult task now remains to determine the top three finalists.

The top three finalists will be announced next week – Watch this space for more information!

The winner will be requested to join us in Lisbon, Portugal for WETM-IAC 2015 and will be announced during the celebration dinner on Monday, 16 March 2015.


Thank you to all our members participating in our Award and making it into a success:

Accueil International
AIFS Australia
Accueil International Services Active Abroad American Institute for Foreign Study Australia
AIFS Australia
 Au Pair Foundation

Au Pair in America

American Institute for Foreign Study Deutschland Au Pair Foundation Au Pair in America

 Au Pair International

AUpair Network Australia aupairstory
Au Pair International Au Pair Network Australia Aupair Story
cultural care au pair
AuPairCare Cultural Care Au Pair Shenyang EANNA Education Training Center
Logo Go Au Pair
Early Bird International
Cultural Exchange Co., Ltd
Go Au Pair Interexchange
ICP Logo  internationalnannies
International Career Partners Ltd. International Nannies & Homecare Ltd. Intrax Germany
Zemanta Related Posts Thumbnail
JCR Au Pairs and Nannies
iST Internationale Sprach- und
Studienreisen GmbH
JCR Au Pairs and Nannies LoPair Education
Multikultur Zemanta Related Posts Thumbnail Rainbow Au Pairs
Multikultur Ninukot Rainbow Au Pairs
Rc aupairs Rejans Prim
Smaller Earth
RC Au Pairs Rejans Prim Smaller Earth UK
STS Sweden Chilcare Company
Smartaupairs STS Au Pair Sweden The Childcare Company
Drukwerk Triple C


Travel Active Triple C Group Volunta