Welcome to our new full non-voting Member Au Pair Experience & Travel, Argentina
Au Pair Experience & Travel SRL is the daughter company of Au Pair Experience & Travel SA in Colombia and offers au pair counselling to the USA, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Italy.
AU PAIR EXPERIENCE & TRAVEL was created in response to a historical need that is becoming more and more evident and necessary nowadays: the knowledge of foreign languages and other cultures.
AU PAIR EXPERIENCE & TRAVEL is supported by agencies abroad to ensure the success of the programme. These alliances are proof of our commitment to provide high quality services.
They say that travelling is learning; for this reason the team at AU PAIR EXPERIENCE & TRAVEL believes that the easiest and most practical way to learn a language is to travel to the country where it is spoken.
The au pair programme offers not only to learn the language, but also to share the daily life of the inhabitants of the country and enjoy its history, art and gastronomy, living in the heart of a family.
AU PAIR EXPERIENCE & TRAVEL offers a range of possibilities that can be adapted to each individual situation so that both families and Au Pair can make the most of this connection between cultures which makes it an enriching experience, always guaranteeing the relationship between both parties.
For further further information visit www.experienceandtravel.com